H2E is pleased to announce that it will be participating in the forum Amélior’Toit, live in the Pays de Sommières.
The event will be held on Saturday 16 November 2019, from 10 am to 5 pm at the Sommières multi-purpose hall. Entrance to the forum is free; it allows you to visit the stands, but also to attend the two conferences of the day.

The programme of the forum: improving the living environment
The forum is aimed at all people who are considering renovating their home, adapting it according to their mobility, as well as controlling its energy qualities, both for their comfort and their budget, and out of concern for the environment.
All subjects relating to the improvement of the living environment are addressed. Two lectures provide visitors with valuable information.
You will also be able to find out about your housing rights: how to obtain a first home, what are the rules of a co-ownership, the maintenance of a building…
The stands of the Amélior’Toit forum
Throughout the day, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the partners mobilised to animate this day dedicated to habitat and housing in the Pays de Sommières will present their products, thanks to information stands.
You will be able to meet the professionals likely to bring you all the information, but also all the advice related to your project of development and renovation of your home.
H2E, your partner for comfortable and economical housing
H2E will be present on the forum and its technicians will be delighted to welcome you and inform you. Whether you need advice, a consultation or an estimate, they will find the answer to all your questions.
H2E is an installer of energy systems that offers you simple and quick solutions, adapted to your home, that allow you to reduce your energy bill.
Our competences extend in three areas:
1. Air
H2E offers various heat pumps (air/water or air/air), which are also used for air conditioning. The system uses the principle of thermodynamics by transporting the heat calories – which are naturally (and free of charge!) contained in the air from one place to another, thanks to a hermetically sealed refrigeration circuit.
2. Solar
The installation of photovoltaic panels can considerably reduce your electricity bill.
3. Water
By replacing your electric boiler with a thermodynamic storage tank, you can save up to 70% on your electricity bill.
Do not hesitate to visit the Amélior’Toit forum on 16 November and add a new thread!
Salle polyvalente, Boulevard Ernest François 30250 Sommières