France will soon face soaring electricity costs

After the last two increases in the course of 2019, amounting to 5.9% and 1.23%, respectively, is a force of note that the State is reviewing electricity rates. What will lead to a definite change by February 1 er, depending on the data taken from the BFMTV site. It is up to the Ministry of Transition ecological and solidarity to announce this great news, not jubilant. for the general public.

A phenomenon justified by the need to raise the bar

In view of the manifestations generated by the vests… Over the past year, the government, in direct linkage with the distribution of energy in France, was forced to change the way in which the the application of the two increases planned for 2019.

In wanting to defer their implementation, the government has strongly penalized the mass. In the space of two months, the Commission of The Energy Regulation Commission (CRE) has made two rate changes considerable. At the beginning of June, the public was affected by 5.9% increase. While the second was estimated at 1.23% for the month of August.

And now another 2.4% increase is on the horizon. The department’s justification for this is the need to turn the tide after this most disruptive of upheavals. A situation that has persisted for the last ten years according to the TF1 investigation.

In the end, this price surge turns out to be a long-term solution for electricity consumers. By proceeding to In this way, the authority avoids the possibility of a further deviation, as in the case of the circumstance that marked the last half of 2019.

Residential rates are more impacted

In full view of everyone, the population is divided into the following sectors two categories of electricity consumption. On the one hand, those who are subject to the regulated tariffs comply with the decision of the powers public. And on the other hand, the rest agree on freer offers.

In this case, this price adjustment, scheduled for 1st February next, affects more the abovementioned first class. More precisely, those who are affected by the blue tariff. A system used by a group made up largely of individuals and small companies that benefit from the service of the company Electricité de France (EDF).

As a result, these users have to prepare themselves for a 21 euro increase, on average, for their next bill. This is over a 12-month period.

This fact is, among other things, driven by the phenomenal growth in supply costs that has been recorded in recent times. Despite changes in the pricing of electricity suppliers, the French are far better off than other Europeans in this respect.

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